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About us

We're a family run kennel, actively breeding rough collies. 

Smo družinska psarna, kjer se trenutno aktivno ukvarjamo z vzrejo dolgodlakih škotskih ovcarjev


I've had a deep love for all animals since I can remember. I grew up on a "semi-farm" surrounded by cats, horses, goats, fish, birds, ducks, rabbits and of course - dogs. 

I was first exposed to the world of show dogs at the age of 10 when my grandparents had taken me and my brother to a botanical garden, where we ran into a chihuahua breeder socializing a litter of puppies and I was immediately intrigued. I started reading books, going to dog shows and decided that a smaller breed such as the Papillon would be a good start. After doing some research I imported my first girl, Gracie, from Germany (Susatum's Amazing Grace). Although she wasn't the best show-girl, she proved to be a great mother to my first 2 litters. One of her sons even went on to become an International, Multi Champion and Grand Champion. I also imported a stunning boy from Sweden, Zumi (Alex' Zamurai Rider), but unfortunately he did not pass his health clearances and stayed at home as a beloved pet. Although after Gracie's litters I had to take a quick break from breeding, I always stayed active within the dog-world, talked with breeders, researched pedigrees, listened to seminars, visited shows and had my eye on anything dog related. 

Finally, my girlfriend (now wife) Leja and I decided that we wanted to join forces and begin showing and breeding together. I always had my eye on rough collies who unfortunately were not an option when I was first starting, since my parents only allowed a smaller breed in the house. Leja also already had shepherd breeds in her heart as she owned a working border collie. Soon after we fell in love with our beloved Gill, and the rest is history. 

Why Aetherlands

We've debated our kennel name for some time, but wanted something that had meaning to us while at the same time being a strong and solid word for our offspring going into the world. We really liked the meaning of the word Ethereal "extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world", which reminded us of the feeling we got when watching our dogs play during sunset on a field near our home, on a warm spring day. We decided to combine in with the word "lands" for that very reason, to describe a feeling and a place that we created in our hearts together with our dogs.

Wondering how to pronounce it or remember the spelling?
It's actually quite simple - take Netherlands and just replace the N with an A - Aetherlands.
The pronunciation is the same as if saying Netherlands, but just without the N - simple!  

(ENG) Our breeding program is small and our purpose simple.

We breed in effort of preserving the breed's beauty and functionality at a high degree and strive to meet the FCI standard as closely as possible. To us superior structure is just as important as good character, drive and above all - health. 

Every mating is carefully planned with ourselves in mind. We will not breed a litter if we aren't planning on keeping or co-owning at least one of the puppies. With this in mind, you can understand that all of our puppies have the utmost love, energy and care put into them so that they can grow into healthy, socialized and visually correct individuals.

We don't plan litters just because we can, just because a girl is ready to be bred, because we could potentially earn money from them or without a specific goal in mind. When we decide to do a mating, there were months if not years of preparation put into it ahead of time, planning and researching. We continually educate ourselves and try to make decisions that will not only positively impact our breeding program but also the Collie breed as a whole. 

When we look at our dogs and our breeding program, the most important thing to us is that our dogs are thriving. They need to be happy, healthy and loved. This is defiantly one of the focus areas of our breeding program, as without it, we feel that we have failed the ones that trust us most- our collies. For us they are family members, beings that deserve our love and respect. If we are unable to provide them that, then we don't deserve to be breeding them either. 


Aside from being cherished pets, collies are extremely capable of being working, agility or show dogs. They are a versatile breed that can go from a dog of great beauty in the morning to a professional sheep herder in the afternoon and a couch potato in the evening. 

All of our dogs live as family members and that is also what we expect from new owners. We will have a discussion with anyone interested in an "Aetherlands" puppy, not only to decide if you are generally a suitable owner but also to match you with a puppy that has characteristics that best suit your lifestyle. 

(SLO) Naš vzrejni program je majhen in naš namen, preprost.

Vzrejamo s prizadevanjem za ohranitev lepote in funkcionalnosti pasme na visokem nivoju. Prizadevamo si slediti zapisanem FCI standardu. Za nas je vrhunska struktura enako pomembna kot dober karakter, delavnost in predvsem - zdravje.

Vsako paritev skrbno izberemo. Legla ne bomo imeli, če ne nameravamo obdržati ali oddati v solastništvo vsaj enega od mladičkov. V vse naše mladičke vložimo veliko ljubezeni, energije in nege, da se lahko le ti razvijejo v zdrave, socializirane in vizualno korektne posameznike.

Legel ne planiramo samo zato ker lahko, zato ker imamo psico pripravljeno na paritev, zato ker bi lahko od tega kaj zaslužili ali pa brez specfičnega cilja v mislih. Ko se odločimo za paritveno kombinacijo, gre v to mesece ali pa celo leta planiranja in raziskovanja. Vseskozi se izobražujemo in poskušamo odločitve bazirati na tem kaj lahko izboljša naš vzrejni program, kot tudi pasmo kot celoto.

Ko pogledamo naš program in naše pse, nam največ pomeni to, da imajo naši psi dobra življenja. Morajo biti veseli, zdravi in ljubljeni. Brez tega, bi se počutili kot da nam je povsem spodletelo pri tistih, ki nam še najbolj zaupajo - naši škoti. Za nas so družinski člani, ki si zaslužijo ljubezni in spoštovanja. Če jim tega nemoremo ponuditi, si jih ne zaslužimo. 

Poleg tega da so v prvi meri naši ljubljenčki, so Škotski ovčarji tudi zelo sposobni delavni, agilitaški ali razstavni psi. So univerzalna pasma, katera se lahko zjutraj predstavi na lepotnem tekmovanju, popoldne preživi na pohodu ali paši, zvečer pa se ležerno sprosti na kavču. 

Vsi naši psi živijo kot družinski člani, to pa tudi pričakujemo od novih lastnikov. S potencialnimi lastniki mladička iz naše psarne opravimo pogovor, da se odločimo, ali ste na splošno primeren lastnik ter da vam predlagamo mladiča, ki se bo najbolje ujemal z vami in vašim življenjskim slogom.

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